Monday, October 20, 2008

My Fambily

Originally uploaded by flagusco
Mommy and Daddy and I got all dressed up for a really fun 80s party. Daddy is wearing a shirt that says "Pac Man". I don't know what that is but it is a silly cartoon guy.

Me, Mommy, Rachel

Originally uploaded by flagusco
Me and Mommy and Rachel are all dressed up like people did in the 80s. I don't really understand why but mommy said its fun to get dressed up! I agree!


Originally uploaded by flagusco
All dressed up 80s style, I'm enjoying Rachel's 80s party in the backyard. Fill it up please!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Michael The Cyberman

Michael The Cyberman
Originally uploaded by flagusco
Daddy let me listen to his podcast. It's just a bunch of talking, I don't get it, but don't I look cute in Daddy's headphones?